Title: Delta HF ie Turbo Wanted Post by: srawlins on 01 January, 2021, 05:47:18 PM Hi
I am looking for a Delta HF ie Turbo ...(‘86 era model). Ideally, lowish mileage (under 80,000), in good order, without major rust issues. Don’t mind a bit of fettling to get it right, but I’d rather not get into a major rebuild/welding project.. I’d be grateful for a message etc if anyone has one - or knows of one - for sale Thank you Title: Re: Delta HF ie Turbo Wanted Post by: arguti on 10 March, 2021, 01:14:41 PM Hi
I can't remember the crossover year but the HF changed from carburettor to fuel injection around 1986. I have a HF turbo that I may sell but it doesn't meet your strict criteria, high mileage and a bit of corrosion here and there but a great driver despite having spent literally 1000s on it, there is always something else to get perfect; they can swallow a lot of money unless you do the work yourself. I have looked at loads of integrales at a nearby Delta restoration place and even pristine looking cars can hide an amazing amount of hidden corrosion. Bottom line is that it all depends on your budget....I landed up getting an integrale well as the man maths calculations showed that the cost of repairs is the same in terms of bodywork. There are a few HF turbos on ebay, car and classic around the 6.5K-8k mark but those seem to have been around for ages. Just my 5p Title: Re: Delta HF ie Turbo Wanted Post by: torqueitalia on 31 March, 2021, 01:59:18 PM Hi,
I have a 1988 Lancia delta Integrale HF turbo for sale. It has a lot of work recently done on it. It has 65500 miles on the clock. It is white with Martini livery. Complete internal refurbishment in black. One of the few RHD versions. If interested text me on 07436 223108. |