Title: A Special Builder's Notes (Lancia Lincer) Post by: Richard Fridd on 26 January, 2021, 10:47:10 AM From https://nigelhamlinwright.wordpress.com . It is in there, I think the link needs to be more accurate if anyone can help. Richard
Title: Re: A Special Builder's Notes (Lancia Lincer) Post by: williamcorke on 26 January, 2021, 02:59:21 PM https://nigelhamlinwright.wordpress.com/2019/02/03/the-wizards-of-oz/ (https://nigelhamlinwright.wordpress.com/2019/02/03/the-wizards-of-oz/)
I'd love to see the finished car. Great blog, thank you Richard. Title: Re: A Special Builder's Notes (Lancia Lincer) Post by: Richard Fridd on 26 January, 2021, 03:28:13 PM Thanks William. Lots of other subjects in there which look interesting. Richard
Title: Re: A Special Builder's Notes (Lancia Lincer) Post by: Andrew Cox on 07 February, 2022, 07:36:35 AM The car discussed in Nigel’s excellent blog is an Artena Special being built in Australia by Gary Zenaty (50+yr Lambda & Aurelia owner) and myself. The chassis is a 1932 1st series and the engine a WW2 ( Astura type) Lancia Lince dry sump V8.
The project was started in 2016 and despite little happening over the past couple of years (Covid-19 has been a problem) the project is starting to look like a car.. I will see If I can post a few photos on a different thread. |