Title: Fumes in cabin Post by: Thalia72 on 07 February, 2021, 03:50:32 PM Dear Members,
I am new to Lancia ownership having acquired my first Fulvia Coupé back in early January. I wonder if anyone could tell me exactly what I should have in the way of fume seals around the area of the firewall and bonnet area. I'm absolutely delighted with my car, but need to tidy up the interior, along with the electrics and at the moment, I have the dash off to change some blown bulbs and fix the clock. One of the previous owners was a bit of a heavy smoker I reckon, so I'm hoping to generally brighten things up and at at the same time, make the cabin a safer and more fragrant place to enjoy! I did a short run down the M40 the other day and at a steady 70, you definitely notice what I would say were fumes from the breather. The car has done in excess of 99.000 miles, so the rings are probably past their best, but nevertheless it does seem as though something might be missing. The car is a Fulvia S2 1972. Also, is it possible to get hold of a parts catalogue for this model? Many thanks, Al Bentley Title: Re: Fumes in cabin Post by: lancialulu on 07 February, 2021, 04:03:18 PM Parts CD can be found here
https://viva-lancia.com/specials/cd/fulvia-cd.php |