Title: Dellorto DHLB butterflies Post by: RRomanis on 09 February, 2021, 06:47:16 PM Hi,
I'm in the process of overhauling my Dellorto DHLB carbs, 35mm on an S3 Fulvia. While I'm doing this, I'd quite like to renew the butterfly valves. Unfortunately these are no longer stocked by any of the usual outlets (Eurocarb etc) and they tell me they are no longer being produced. Does anyone have any advice on where I might be able to source these? Many thanks, Robert Title: Re: Dellorto DHLB butterflies Post by: Charles Frodsham on 09 February, 2021, 07:55:14 PM Try Italian carb specialist. eBay shop.....
https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/alfa1750/m.html?_nkw=DHLb+ Although the butterflies aren’t listed, many DHLB parts are, suggesting an enquiry is worth it. Or contact directly (English understood).....info@carburatori-italia.it Title: Re: Dellorto DHLB butterflies Post by: RRomanis on 09 February, 2021, 09:32:33 PM Thanks for your suggestion. I have sent an enquiry.
Title: Re: Dellorto DHLB butterflies Post by: RRomanis on 26 February, 2021, 08:21:45 AM Hi Charles,
Just a quick thankyou for this suggestion - Alfa 1750 came up with the goods! I have now received and successfully fitted the parts I was after. The butterflies are obviously a remanufactured part and I don't think they are exactly the same gauge as the originals, but they have done the job. Robert |