Title: Aprilia Cabrio from Poland - looking for parts Post by: MaciekPeda on 16 March, 2021, 06:52:59 PM It's time to complete my Aprilia, I'm looking for Lusso bumpers and small metal slats on the sides of the engine compartment - 3 pieces.
Maybe someone help me with those things. Regards Maciek Peda maciekpeda@fotoiris.pl Title: Re: Aprilia Cabrio from Poland - looking for parts Post by: davidwheeler on 19 March, 2021, 09:17:42 AM I cannot help but am intrigued by your pictures. May we see the whole car please? This is far from a standard body.
Title: Re: Aprilia Cabrio from Poland - looking for parts Post by: MaciekPeda on 21 March, 2021, 09:53:09 AM Here are pictures of my car:
- black and white year 1952, Katowice Upper Silesia - color pictures 2020, Gostyn (my place) before send to metal shop for body finishing. This is Series 2 Aprilia wit Lusso trim from June 1940 Regards Maciek PS. David, I was bought from you in 2013 carburettor for my Aprilia :) Title: Re: Aprilia Cabrio from Poland - looking for parts Post by: Sliding Pillar on 21 March, 2021, 07:05:54 PM Who is the coachbuilder, Pinin Farina, Sabilimenti Farina, or someone else?
Title: Re: Aprilia Cabrio from Poland - looking for parts Post by: MaciekPeda on 21 March, 2021, 07:07:12 PM I think, Pinin Farina