Title: Starter Pinions and springs Post by: JohnMillham on 03 May, 2008, 08:44:29 AM Roy Wilcock has gone to the trouble of organising the re-manufacture of starter pinions and springs for Augustas and has advertised them in the latest Viva Lancia, but so far, I'm the only one to have replied to him and asked for one. I can't believe that Roy and I are the only people needing them.
Similarly, only Roy and Peter Renou have shown interest in new second gear sets, which I'm trying to organise. . . . . We await your replies. Title: Re: Starter Pinions and springs Post by: Scarpia on 03 May, 2008, 09:57:03 AM John, I don't think Andrew Maclagan is on the internet since he moved otherwise he might be interested in the gear sets? You have his mobile I assume?
Title: Re: Starter Pinions and springs Post by: JohnMillham on 03 May, 2008, 01:09:38 PM William, I have sent you an E-mail. Regards, John
Title: Re: Starter Pinions and springs Post by: donw on 03 May, 2008, 06:26:05 PM John
I am interested in 2 second gear sets. Don |