Title: Beta 2000i Coupe on Car and Classic Post by: GerardJPC on 23 June, 2021, 02:16:02 PM https://www.carandclassic.co.uk/auctions/1982-lancia-beta-coupe-20i-RnMl1g?utm_campaign=Targeted%20%7C%20Viewed%2FWatched%2FBid%20Lancia%20Beta%20Coupe%20%7C%2023%2F06%2F21&utm_term=01EVS9X9JRA2F2H60BH9V50VBE&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Lancia%7CFB&utm_content=None&_kx=AQv6wl19fD-EOUe95_kDVglteH1xEDsA109jHxFHP-Q%3D.X5QLxS
Title: Re: Beta 2000i Coupe on Car and Classic Post by: CesareFerrari on 23 June, 2021, 09:48:09 PM The screed accompanying this auction of an attractive car at an ambitious price is full of offensive inaccuracies based on suburban myth and ill-founded prejudices. How do people write such drivel?