Title: Herts and Beds first meet since pandemic started Post by: fay66 on 07 July, 2021, 04:11:00 PM Last night 3 of us attended the first meeting for about 18 months at a new Venue we were trying out The Hermits of Redcoats,a- at Tinmore Green between Hitchin and Stevenage.
We are normally a small group of about 7 if everyone turns up. I have previously contacted everyone on Sarah's list of members in our area, all to no avail, it is a vast area and we've always found it a problem of where to meet, as what is convenient for some, is a no go for others. I was first to arrive in 'Fay' pleased that the rain was holding off, next was Frank in his Y10, and finally Geoff in his series 3 Fulvia Coupe, who announced" I've lost my brakes"!. After Frank and myself had eaten, good food and beer, we went out to have a look for the missing brakes. The brake pedal was straight down to the floor, after a lot of teeth sucking, and head scratching, Geoff pumped the pedal hard up and down, at the end of a stroke above the front port a big gulp of brake fluid shot upwards. After a number of strokes Geoff announced the missing brakes had reappeared ??? As the Fulvia had hardly been driven during lockdown we thought perhaps the rubbers had stuck, and had now started working again, whatever the cause the brakes were back and Geoff drove off in the direction of Hertford, and further investigation. Frank meanwhile led me back to Hitchin, once clear of Hitchin we had a great tail chase for about 8 miles along the A600 towards Bedford, Frank peeling off to head for home, while I turned off a couple of miles later towards home. |