Title: Flavia, Fulvia, Beta & Monte - Do you know Jack ....? Post by: St Volumex on 20 May, 2008, 07:33:59 AM I'm having some new scissor jack ratchet handle gears made from Roc Tuf.
The originals crack in half because they have a design flaw; they have 13 (lucky) teeth on the periphery, and no matter how hard one tries, one cannot orientate them any differently - one edge of the hex drive cutout always coincides with the minor diameter of one of the teeth. So the only alternative is to make them out of strong material. It would seem that one size could fit all the jack handles for Flavia, Fulvia, Beta & Monte by simply machining the outter diameter to suit the handles. Of course economies of scale is the million dollar question, so how many members might be interested? Title: Re: Flavia, Fulvia, Beta & Monte - Do you know Jack ....? Post by: fay66 on 20 May, 2008, 02:43:24 PM Hi Guy,
I'd be interested :D Brian Hilton 8227 8) Title: Re: Flavia, Fulvia, Beta & Monte - Do you know Jack ....? Post by: inthedark on 20 May, 2008, 04:36:28 PM Shame, I just bought an electric jack from Maplin
Geoff Title: Re: Flavia, Fulvia, Beta & Monte - Do you know Jack ....? Post by: peterbaker on 20 May, 2008, 10:09:17 PM Should have guessed you would be at a holiday camp, is the bar open?
Title: Re: Flavia, Fulvia, Beta & Monte - Do you know Jack ....? Post by: St Volumex on 21 May, 2008, 11:15:29 AM Okay chaps, this isn't about one-upmanship. ::)
But if you don't know your Flavia, Fulvia, Beta and Monte scissors jacks from their orphan cousins Bottle Jack (an alcoholic who bends his elbow too often), Trolley Jack (with his own hot wheels), and Pedestal Jack (who thinks he's above everyone), then you don't know Jack .... ;) The real McCoy Jack is worth a few points at any concours, and a nice to have for those of us who are just wickedly pedantic. The gears will cost only £15 each (excl. shipping & duty) if we can just get 10 of us to order one each. Title: Re: Flavia, Fulvia, Beta & Monte - Do you know Jack ....? Post by: YKR 567J on 25 June, 2008, 09:17:53 PM Put me down for one, as the one for my Fulvia currently looks like the one in your photograph that's in component form.
John Simister Title: Re: Flavia, Fulvia, Beta & Monte - Do you know Jack ....? Post by: St Volumex on 29 June, 2008, 07:02:58 AM Thanks John,
I'm expecting the prototype any day now. Between me (I need 4), Brian Hilton and yourself we may just have enough interest. ::) Kindest regards, Title: Re: Flavia, Fulvia, Beta & Monte - Do you know Jack ....? Post by: AStacey on 10 January, 2009, 07:45:07 PM Hello all maybe it's too late but I'd be very intrested as mine has given up the ghost as well, I can be contacted on 023 92463880. Thanks
Title: Re: Flavia, Fulvia, Beta & Monte - Do you know Jack ....? Post by: St Volumex on 13 January, 2009, 01:27:07 PM Hi Andrew,
It's never too late. Any more takers please? :D After the last round, I only had two made for myself, but could probably stretch to make a new order of 5. At the moment the prototypes are still disassembled, so later I'll post some photos of just what the process of repairing the jack handles entails. Kindest regards, Title: Re: Flavia, Fulvia, Beta & Monte - Do you know Jack ....? Post by: St Volumex on 15 January, 2009, 02:00:08 PM Here's what it entails:
Grinding / filing off the rivet heads of the handle. Splitting the two halves. Removing the pieces of the old gear. Machining the new ratchet gear's diameter and width to suit your jack's handle - I've made a one size fits all 'blank'. Riveting the two halves back together. ;D Title: Re: Flavia, Fulvia, Beta & Monte - Do you know Jack ....? Post by: St Volumex on 28 November, 2009, 08:04:44 AM Whew!
Talk about Rome wasn't sacked in a day... The gears are finally ready ::), and I will be bringing them with me to the UK in December when I will be posting them to the interested parties and perhaps anyone else who may now have an interest - first come, first served. Kiindest regards, Title: Re: Flavia, Fulvia, Beta & Monte - Do you know Jack ....? Post by: fay66 on 28 November, 2009, 08:20:00 AM Thamks Guy 8)
Brian 8227 8) Title: Re: Flavia, Fulvia, Beta & Monte - Do you know Jack ....? Post by: St Volumex on 31 December, 2010, 10:23:39 AM No matter that only Andrew and Brian took up my offer, but I'm wondering how they fared?
Finally after many moons, this precious and priceless tool forged with love in the fires of Mount Doom was completed as a Christmas gift from the ever-faithful hobbit Guido to my Lady Carol for her "Tigger"! (BTW I managed to order a new Monte-style jack handle through Fiat for our son Matthew too.) Title: Re: Flavia, Fulvia, Beta & Monte - Do you know Jack ....? Post by: fay66 on 31 December, 2010, 10:32:18 AM No matter that only Andrew and Brian took up my offer, but I'm wondering how they fared? Finally after many moons, this precious and priceless tool forged with love in the fires of Mount Doom was completed as a Christmas gift from the ever-faithful hobbit Guido to my Lady Carol for her "Tigger"! (BTW I managed to order a new Monte-style jack handle through Fiat for our son Matthew too.) Guy, Bit different to buying the lady of the house new saucepans for Christmas! Looks great hope Carol and "Tigger" appreciate the effort involved! Haven't done anything with mine as my Jack handle rachet is ok, so this has joined the ranks of the "Just in Case" parts squirreled away. ::) Brian 8227 8) Title: Re: Flavia, Fulvia, Beta & Monte - Do you know Jack ....? Post by: John Simister on 04 January, 2011, 05:11:42 PM Oops, slightly embarrassed about this. Events conspired to make my then-Fulvia (YKR 567J, as per my former forum name) and me part company so I faded out of the scene. However I now have another, rather better Fulvia which is complete and proper in every respect apart from, yes, lacking the correct jacking handle. So a new ratchet wouldn't really do it. I need the rest of the handle too...
John Title: Re: Flavia, Fulvia, Beta & Monte - Do you know Jack ....? Post by: St Volumex on 06 January, 2011, 09:29:25 AM No worries John.
Suggest you buy a jack handle from Fiat which for all practical purposes will do the job just as well. I don't have any spare handles, but could make a replica, as I have nearly all the bits! ;D If you are interested in that I can work out a price for you. Kindest regards, Title: Re: Flavia, Fulvia, Beta & Monte - Do you know Jack ....? Post by: Chris Hopkins on 06 January, 2011, 06:01:25 PM Sorry I have been so slow seeing this, if you still need another to make up the numbers, please count me in, cheers.
Title: Re: Flavia, Fulvia, Beta & Monte - Do you know Jack ....? Post by: St Volumex on 07 January, 2011, 07:55:18 AM Chris, I took the plunge last year and made a batch of the 'gears' anyway, but still have a few left if you really need one.
Title: Re: Flavia, Fulvia, Beta & Monte - Do you know Jack ....? Post by: St Volumex on 04 February, 2011, 07:31:01 AM Here's my latest escapade with Pedestal Jack the lofty one, who belongs to my Appia coupe. She has a dent in the LHS sill because a previous owner used Bottle Jack on her, as Pedestal Jack's nut was stripped...
Made a new one in brass to match the acme thread, dollied up the inside handle shaft, gears, and even cast a new top cover which was missing. The foot was also horribly dented, which required removal using a Dremel to carefully cut the welding. Now all's well that ends well. :) Title: Re: Flavia, Fulvia, Beta & Monte - Do you know Jack ....? Post by: fay66 on 04 February, 2011, 08:59:56 AM Here's my latest escapade with Pedestal Jack the lofty one, who belongs to my Appia coupe. She has a dent in the LHS sill because a previous owner used Bottle Jack on her, as Pedestal Jack's nut was stripped... Guy, looks interesting but not being a Aprilia man how does it locate, I assume we're looking at the jack from the top?Made a new one in brass to match the acme thread, dollied up the inside handle shaft, gears, and even cast a new top cover which was missing. The foot was also horribly dented, which required removal using a Dremel to carefully cut the welding. Now all's well that ends well. :) Brian 8227 8) Title: Re: Flavia, Fulvia, Beta & Monte - Do you know Jack ....? Post by: St Volumex on 06 February, 2011, 06:25:44 AM Sorry Brian, my previous photo showed the pedestal jack disassembled. Here's what it looks like now it's finished. It works by inserting the pin from the jack's leg into a hole in the Appia's sill.
Typical Lancia, the hole has a beautiful chrome plug, and the jack is also well made - even a ball bearing race below the bevel gears in the head to make things turn easily. :) Title: Re: Flavia, Fulvia, Beta & Monte - Do you know Jack ....? Post by: fay66 on 06 February, 2011, 06:45:44 PM Sorry Brian, my previous photo showed the pedestal jack disassembled. Here's what it looks like now it's finished. It works by inserting the pin from the jack's leg into a hole in the Appia's sill. Typical Lancia, the hole has a beautiful chrome plug, and the jack is also well made - even a ball bearing race below the bevel gears in the head to make things turn easily. :) Vey similar in principle to a jack I had with a 1963 Mini, but of much superior quality manufacture! Brian 8227 8) Title: Re: Flavia, Fulvia, Beta & Monte - Do you know Jack ....? Post by: St Volumex on 04 August, 2012, 01:10:55 PM I was having lunch with ann Aurelia owner a few weeks ago, when he told me that the Aurelia jack is the same as the Appia's, but has a round 'foot'.
Can anyone with an original Aurelia jack confirm this please? |