Title: Flaminia fuses Post by: Shooter on 11 August, 2021, 10:04:34 PM Does anyone know the correct fuse ratings for the Flaminia? Looking through the various handbooks I have only found one references to the specification of the fuses and it appears that all 12 are 15 amp. I am wondering if this is a mistake in translation or something as I can only find 16 amp torpedo fuses.
Thanks Title: Re: Flaminia fuses Post by: Charles Frodsham on 13 August, 2021, 11:37:15 AM I use 16 amp fuses on my Flaminia with no issues.
Anyone else? Recommend copper/ceramic fuses rather than aluminium/plastic as they won’t corrode the terminals. Title: Re: Flaminia fuses Post by: Shooter on 17 August, 2021, 09:55:23 AM Thanks! I will look out for some and swap out my old ones.
Title: Re: Flaminia fuses Post by: lancialulu on 17 August, 2021, 11:07:08 AM Try to get ceramic bodied fuses. Cheap plastic ones can distort if the get warm.