Title: Water Pump Replacement Post by: Rob on 15 August, 2021, 07:26:54 PM I've noticed that the water pump on my Delta HF turbo is on the way out as there's a rubbling sound coming from the bearings. Is it an easy job or will I have to remove engine mounts to be able to replace it? Any advice would be appreciated ;).
Cheers, Rob Title: Re: Water Pump Replacement Post by: lancialulu on 15 August, 2021, 08:49:09 PM I did this recently on my 1600gtie and had to remove the engine mounts. Changed the cam belts at the same time
Title: Re: Water Pump Replacement Post by: Kevinlincs on 15 August, 2021, 08:58:49 PM As Tim says, you'll need to remove the mounting, but once you get the battery and tray etc plus the mounting out of the way access isn't the nightmare it may seem. Not easy, but manageable. Given the mounting will be out of the way you will be able to raise the engine up of course too.
New belt at the same time, at least you won't have the balance belt run in your way! Title: Re: Water Pump Replacement Post by: Rob on 30 August, 2021, 04:53:05 PM Thanks for the advice guys, that doesn't sound too bad ;D. When you look at how tight the space is around there you wonder how the heck will you'll be able to do it!
Cheers, Rob Title: Re: Water Pump Replacement Post by: Rob on 21 September, 2021, 09:09:39 PM Finally got round to replacing the water pump last week. It was a bit fiddley & took me a few evenings but at least all the nuts & bolts came undone without any drama. The new pump fitted a treat & is very quiet compared to the old one ;).