Title: Delta Clutch Cable - One Breed, One Marque, One Mind Post by: inthedark on 02 June, 2008, 07:52:40 PM Dear All.
Many thanks to all those who replied to Keith regarding his broken clutch cable. It just goes to show that irrespective of which Club or Forum Lancia people belong to , when needs must be met, they all resort to being true fans of the Marque and try to help each other out. It makes you glad to be a part of it all. Full story / report can be found on www.lanciasport.com/forum/index.php?topic=1614.0 I would have just pasted/copied it but I have no idea how to. regards to all Geoff Holmes Title: Re: Delta Clutch Cable - One Breed, One Marque, One Mind Post by: Harvey on 02 June, 2008, 10:57:30 PM One man one goal one mission
One heart one soul just one solution One flash of light yeah one God one vision [Insert guitar solo] :) Title: Re: Delta Clutch Cable - One Breed, One Marque, One Mind Post by: inthedark on 03 June, 2008, 10:10:47 AM Air Guitar probably, still you get the point
and "we all stand together" |