Title: Peter Rowlandson Post by: donw on 08 January, 2022, 11:04:34 AM Peter has passed away He and Sue were regulars at GNW and other events, Sue was no the Committee for a long time.
The funeral is going to be on Wednesday 26th January at 11am at Farndon church, Church lane, Farndon. Chester. CH3 6QD Any members who knew Peter are welcome to attend. Don Title: Re: Peter Rowlandson Post by: Derek Moore on 08 January, 2022, 02:45:02 PM So sorry to see this news Don. I remember Sue’s vast contribution to the club at committee meetings and the warm welcome I always received from Peter at LMC events. RIP Peter and sincere condolences Sue.
Derek Moore Title: Re: Peter Rowlandson Post by: lancialulu on 08 January, 2022, 02:53:27 PM Sad news indeed. I was only speaking to Peter before Christmas about his Flavia Vignale. Such a nice chap and true Lancista. Condolences to Sue and family. RIP Peter.
Title: Re: Peter Rowlandson Post by: Dilambdaman on 10 January, 2022, 02:56:31 PM Another sad loss to the LMC. Peter was a lovely guy and regular at club events.
Sincere condolences to Sue and the family. Robin. Title: Re: Peter Rowlandson Post by: donw on 26 January, 2022, 05:59:51 PM Todays service