Title: Artena / Lince Special Post by: Andrew Cox on 08 February, 2022, 09:07:27 AM The Artena / Lince Special is a project that Gary Zenaty and I started in 2016 and hopefully will be more or less finished in the next year or so.
The chassis and most of the running gear is 1932 Artena, the original Australian body was scrapped over 60 years ago and the engine used as spares for the only surviving complete Australian delivered Artena ( three sold originally). The engine was built to be used in a WW2 Lancia Lince 4WD Scout Car but the evidence suggests it was never fitted and is basically a new engine. The Lince engine had a dry sump and magneto ignition which we have retained. With luck there should be photos attached, the first three taken in 2016 and the last a week ago. Title: Re: Artena / Lince Special Post by: Andrew Cox on 08 February, 2022, 09:23:30 AM A few more recent photos
Title: Re: Artena / Lince Special Post by: tzf60 on 08 February, 2022, 01:36:07 PM Amazing project, Andrew!
The overhead view of the car makes the vehicle look small, but the modern car door lying next to it gives the true perspective of it's size. With a wheel at each corner, it should handle well !! Keep posting photos please! Tim Title: Re: Artena / Lince Special Post by: Andrew Cox on 09 February, 2022, 01:01:32 AM Hi Tim, thanks for your kind remarks. You are correct it isn’t a small car at all as it now has the 1st Series Astura wheelbase of 3177mm.