Title: MODENA CENTO ORE - LMC cars first and second in class Post by: DavidLaver on 16 June, 2008, 07:18:53 PM Tim & Jane Burrett were joined by Jason and Louise Kennedy for this year's "100 hours". 12 competitive hill climbs, 2 races and over 1200 km of "transit" which I understand can end up a bit like a road race to avoid penalties and for many is the event highlight. I understand it wasn't all plain sailing but the two crew managed first and second in class, and 11th and 13th overall from a field of 40 which judging by the photos - Cobras, 911s, Elans, Daytonas, 250s, TZs etc - is some feat. They must have been in the "oldest five". David http://www.automobilsport.com/Galerien/galerien/modena-cento-ore-classic-photos-2008/index--.html Title: Re: MODENA CENTO ORE - LMC cars first and second in class Post by: Keith Large on 27 June, 2008, 06:51:45 AM Looks like a brilliant event, cars look wonderful, and why are American card so damn ugly? Congratulations to the entrants, I am very jealous,
Keith |