Title: Routing of wiring loom 4th series B20 Post by: impaw on 18 February, 2022, 09:26:45 PM Hello,
I just received my refurbished wiring loom from Jays Auto Cablage. Swift and professional! I do however have some questions regarding the routing of the harness, especially the rear harness. 1. The rear harness has not been routed through the fuse box backing plate,as most of the other cables has. Is this incorrect? See photo #1. 2.Should this wiring block (see photo#2) be located inside the cabin or next to the fuse box? 3/4.How should the rear harness be routed from here (see photo#3)? Should it follow the edge of the mat down to the hole in photo#4, or should it be inside the cavity of the speaker hole. 5.Where should the harness exit the sill? My car has had a lot of bodywork done, so the original exit hole might have been covered over. Hope you can help me out, thank you! Best regards Torstein Title: Re: Routing of wiring loom 4th series B20 Post by: impaw on 21 February, 2022, 08:30:58 PM …perhaps this hole is for the rear harness?
This is right next to the fuse box. Title: Re: Routing of wiring loom 4th series B20 Post by: impaw on 23 February, 2022, 11:11:51 PM Everything sorted except for correct location of connection block, photo #2 ??? ??? ???
Title: Re: Routing of wiring loom 4th series B20 Post by: impaw on 24 February, 2022, 12:59:47 PM I have now sorted this