Title: LMC 75th Anniversary track day parade at Goodwood (27th August) Post by: Neil on 03 May, 2022, 12:57:01 PM To celebrate the club’s 75th Anniversary this year, we will be holding a track parade at the club’s annual track day event at Goodwood on 27th August, this will be held at the end of the lunchtime break. The Beta 50th Anniversary track parade will be part of the overall parade as publicised in the April edition of VL.
The number of places will be limited and on a first come first served basis, I hope we can get a good range of models to participate, if you would like to take part it is free for members, please contact me on the below email address: LMC75th@virginmedia.com. Neil Title: Re: LMC 75th Anniversary track day parade at Goodwood (27th August) Post by: JohnMillham on 03 May, 2022, 04:04:33 PM Unfortunately, that's the very day we leave for Fobello in the Lambda.
Title: Re: LMC 75th Anniversary track day parade at Goodwood (27th August) Post by: Neil on 03 May, 2022, 04:26:30 PM John, yes unfortunately it may clash with those attending the Lambda Centenary event in Italy a few days later.