Title: Front suspension Post by: davidwheeler on 15 May, 2022, 06:19:11 PM Starting to install the new pillar/stub axle assemblies. I find I cannot remove the pillar because it fouls the frame. I am thinking I will have to remove the screwed in sleeve ("guide tube according to parts list"). Thing is, Freyja and I did this in the garage at Sacro Monte and I canot remember how we did it.
The locking ring at the bottom is dam' tight. I think I may have to use a little heat after I have made a suitable spaniard to fit it. Title: Re: Front suspension Post by: JohnMillham on 16 May, 2022, 07:11:06 AM Yes, the sleeve has to be removed first. It will only just come out then! Good luck.
Title: Re: Front suspension Post by: davidwheeler on 17 May, 2022, 04:43:50 AM Thanks, John. Do they screw in or just slide in like the bottom ones?
Title: Re: Front suspension Post by: JohnMillham on 17 May, 2022, 07:21:52 AM When the ring 101058 is undone, it will slide out.
Title: Re: Front suspension Post by: davidwheeler on 17 May, 2022, 04:00:26 PM 101012 upwards or downwards?
I removed the ring 101058, having made a tool and applied a lot of heat and force. It would have come easier if I had known about the locking pin 10721 hidden at the back which pinged out after a few turns. I have tried pulling it out using a 5mm spacer and 101014 to pull upon it, thinking it would come once it started to move. No such luck. "Slide out" is not in its vocabulary. It has shifted a couple of mm. but with great difficulty. Either I have to make a thicker spacer or install 101014 and tap it downwards. Pulling it up would seem better... I do not remember such struggles when Freyja and I did it on the other side in Sacro Monte! Title: Re: Front suspension Post by: JohnMillham on 17 May, 2022, 07:07:11 PM I think it slides up when the bottom ring is undone, but it was a while ago when I had mine apart, so I could be wrong. You might have to tap it a bit to persuade it.
Title: Re: Front suspension Post by: davidwheeler on 18 May, 2022, 12:36:49 PM Finally got it off this morning. The sleeve was so tight I had to hammer the spanner to try to extract it (using a spacer made from an old ball bearing) so I tapped it down, cleaned it all and then drew it upwards easily. When I do the other side I will take pictures and post it in the technical thread.
Title: Re: Front suspension Post by: davidwheeler on 24 May, 2022, 08:09:39 PM Fitting new spring thrust bearings and wondering what grease - very thick "axle grease" or moly which is thinner but higher shear. Any ideas?
Title: Re: Front suspension Post by: JohnMillham on 25 May, 2022, 09:50:09 AM I think they live in oil. Were they not covered in oil when you removed them? If not, I suppose Moly would do the job best.
Title: Re: Front suspension Post by: donw on 25 May, 2022, 06:26:58 PM Looking forward to seeing the"other" side before I start on mine!
Title: Re: Front suspension Post by: davidwheeler on 01 June, 2022, 10:45:55 AM Done. Full instructions in technical information thread.
Title: Re: Front suspension Post by: davidwheeler on 21 June, 2022, 07:05:11 PM Whilst installing the new pillars I took advantage of the opportunity to determine the true angles (camber and castor) of the pillars themselves with the aid of a right angles bubble level and a spacer. Not the most successful photographs - I need to make an appointment with Zaphod Beeblebrock's surgeon to have an extra arm fitted.
Title: Re: Front suspension Post by: GG on 22 June, 2022, 02:21:06 PM Marc Bondini, Australian Aurelia guru, found some "angle measuring gizmo" that was about 1 ½" square and magnetic, and you could just snap it onto the vertical element, and it would tell you its angle.... he got them off Amazon.....
Title: Re: Front suspension Post by: davidwheeler on 23 June, 2022, 12:50:45 PM Cheaper than a third arm, too.
Title: Re: Front suspension Post by: williamcorke on 23 June, 2022, 02:20:17 PM Perhaps something like this?
https://www.amazon.co.uk/AUTOUTLET-Inclinometer-Protractor-Backlight-Magnetic/dp/B07D8TJF4P/ref=sr_1_18?crid=20GQLZ617521X&keywords=inclination+gauge+magnetic&qid=1655993942&sprefix=inclination+gauge+magnetic%2Caps%2C62&sr=8-18 (https://www.amazon.co.uk/AUTOUTLET-Inclinometer-Protractor-Backlight-Magnetic/dp/B07D8TJF4P/ref=sr_1_18?crid=20GQLZ617521X&keywords=inclination+gauge+magnetic&qid=1655993942&sprefix=inclination+gauge+magnetic%2Caps%2C62&sr=8-18) Title: Re: Front suspension Post by: GG on 23 June, 2022, 03:19:48 PM that's it!