Title: New RWD Fulvia Coupe? Post by: lee69 on 23 June, 2008, 08:02:18 AM Italiaspeed have news of Fiat Group's intention to launch 3 new halo coupe models by 2010, one each under the Alfa, Lancia and Abarth brands. Interestingly they will be RWD, with the possibility of a bought in platform, possibly from Lotus.
The Lancia " will be based around the very well received Fulvia showcar which made such a splash when it debuted at the Frankfurt IAA in the Autumn of 2003. Fiat bosses in the intervening half decade have tried many options to realise this model, even going as far as weighing up basing it on the 'Premium' platform as used by Alfa's 159 and Brera. However, seven years after it first stunned onlookers at the German motor show it is set to arrive in the showrooms, underpinned by an all new RWD platform, no details of which have emerged yet." Full article here: http://www.italiaspeed.com/2008/cars/lancia/06/fulvia/1906.html So it looks like we might be getting a RWD, lightweight, low volume Lancia Coupe after all - or are we set for another 'what might have been' scenario? Lee Title: Re: New RWD Fulvia Coupe? Post by: Harvey on 23 June, 2008, 08:17:26 AM Lessons learned by me in the last few years include touching the product before getting too excited.
The prospect of a coupe is good news. The concept from 2003 was very pretty, but I'm worried it would sport the current corporate look and it might mar the front somewhat in comparison. Title: Re: New RWD Fulvia Coupe? Post by: ncundy on 23 June, 2008, 08:26:59 AM Repeat after me
"no details of which have emerged yet" "no details of which have emerged yet" "no details of which have emerged yet" "no details of which have emerged yet" ............................................................... ;D |