Title: Is that a Fulvia at Wiscombe Park? (in a 1977 movietone film) Post by: DavidLaver on 07 June, 2022, 11:30:21 PM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xdYmDu1rAo
This was posted today on the Wiscombe Park facebook page. Title: Re: Is that a Fulvia at Wiscombe Park? (in a 1977 movietone film) Post by: eog on 08 June, 2022, 09:05:24 AM Looks like it to me 24 seconds into the clip.
Title: Re: Is that a Fulvia at Wiscombe Park? (in a 1977 movietone film) Post by: Neil on 08 June, 2022, 10:38:00 AM Certainly looks like one, in Bronzo Longchamps perhaps?