Title: Thread of the year - NCUNDY Fanalone restoration Post by: DavidLaver on 24 June, 2008, 09:41:44 AM There's lots that's good on this forum - and my favorite is the Fanalone restoration article. Inspiring stuff. I'm almost not wanting him to finish it - unless he starts another project straight after... David Title: Re: Thread of the year - NCUNDY Fanalone restoration Post by: ncundy on 24 June, 2008, 10:40:23 AM My wife would kill me, and my children think that all cars come in cardboard boxes from Ebay ;D
But unbelievably Liz has given me a get out clause..............if the next project is a Citroen DS for her then I need not pack the tools away ! And thanks for the comments. I enjoy putting stuff up and if others find it interesting and useful then I feel I'm contributing. I sense there is a germ of a good technical database in this forum waiting to get out. Posts over the last 12 months on various of the model sections are becoming progressively more detailed and informative, which is proof that the forum can be a success. Maybe everyone who posts a moan should have to post two technical tips as penance - that way we could build it up in double quick time ;D Title: Re: Thread of the year - NCUNDY Fanalone restoration Post by: sparehead3 on 24 June, 2008, 10:57:56 AM Agreed ... it is inspiring!
It should certainly be the basis for the knowledgebase ... I like the idea of penance tho :) Title: Re: Thread of the year - NCUNDY Fanalone restoration Post by: fay66 on 24 June, 2008, 06:18:11 PM I reckon we should have a special launch day when the Fanalone is finished, and if we all buy Neil he drink to show our appreciation he'll be legless for the next 6 months ;D
Great stuff. Brian 8227 8) Title: Re: Thread of the year - NCUNDY Fanalone restoration Post by: YKR 567J on 24 June, 2008, 06:31:56 PM I reckon we should have a special launch day when the Fanalone is finished, and if we all buy Neil he drink to show our appreciation he'll be legless for the next 6 months ;D Great stuff. Brian 8227 8) Hear hear! I'm very much looking forward to seeing what will surely be one of the best Fanalones (Fanaloni? Fanalona? Help!) in the universe. I'd very much like to see Mr Cundy senior's Aurelia, too, as I rode in it when I was a teenager and it was owned by Mike Rogers. John Simister Title: Re: Thread of the year - NCUNDY Fanalone restoration Post by: RhysHF on 26 June, 2008, 07:13:57 PM Absolutely agree, this the Niels thread is a real inspiration.
Rhys |