Title: Brake Fluid Reservoir Post by: simonandjuliet on 04 July, 2022, 04:52:20 PM I don't think that I have written this up before ......
Aprilias, Appias, Ardeas and some (all ??) Aurelias have a pressurised reservoir for the brake fluid. You fill up the reservoir and then lift up the plunger - and it should stay there ...... a pet hate of mine is seeing the plunger down ! I suspect that I have already upset some people ..... The plunger is great for bleeding brakes, but I have always believed that Lancia designed it to maintain a positive pressure on the system. While it is safe to drive with the plunger down (it's a closed circuit) , to me if the plunger goes down it suggests a problem, either in the reservoir itself (not a big issue) or in the master cylindre or a wheel cylindre, which is more of an issue With my cars the plunger stays up for months at a time and if it isn't I check for puddles of brake fluid ! I have a reservoir in bits at the moment for a job that I am doing, so thought I'd share pictures as I go along - today I took a couple apart I had to use the induction heater on one , but the other was OK once it was properly clamped in the vice (top and bottom - see photo) So take-apart photos today (there is a circlip missing on one photo, sorry) |