Title: Abuse from a non-Lancia fan Post by: Lima on 26 June, 2008, 10:24:08 PM I have just had a nasty note and verbal abuse from a neighbour threatening to tow my car away and calling me something I don't wish to repeat on this forum for fear of being reported to the administrator for foul language. The grievance is that the Fulvia has just been brought out for the summer and is now parked at my flat... in a designated flat space... which happens to be in front of their house (which has it's own separate garage and drive). Despite the fact that it is insured, taxed and MOT'd (irrelevant because the parking area is not public highway) and that the spaces are clearly marked on the HM Land Registry as 6x flat spaces, the resident insisted that I move the car. The irony is that they themselves park two cars of their own (one which for the last year has been driven daily on german plates) in the flat spaces and never in the drive as it's closer to their front door... though the exercise would do all members of said family some good, believe me!
I have reported the written and verbal threat to the Police, and they should send a community officer round to have a word at some point. However, despite them not having a leg to stand on, I don't doubt that they will do damage to the Fulvia just out of spite, because they are that kind of people. Obviously some people don't appreciate the beauty of a Fulvia... even for a few days! Title: Re: Abuse from a non-Lancia fan Post by: rogerelias on 27 June, 2008, 10:24:03 AM You wanna me to senda the boyz round eh? 8)
Title: Re: Abuse from a non-Lancia fan Post by: sparehead3 on 27 June, 2008, 12:05:54 PM ... sounds worrying Marky !
... someone "parked" an Astra through my garden wall last night, luckily not through the garage ... ho hum BTW ... did you ever get a reply from Donald Osbourne ? Title: Re: Abuse from a non-Lancia fan Post by: Lima on 27 June, 2008, 01:05:09 PM yeah, well Fulvia going to parents tomorrow and I have a parting gift for the neighbours when I move out - nothing criminal or arrestable, but certainly will peev them off something chronic. I will have the last laugh.
As for Donald, i have had no response. Guess the pic he took of my Fulvia was so good, he wants to franchise it to the classic press :D Title: Re: Abuse from a non-Lancia fan Post by: sparehead3 on 27 June, 2008, 01:49:52 PM :)
Pity about the pics ... tho |