Title: Visit to Greenham Common - Saturday 20th May Post by: Chris Hopkins on 22 February, 2023, 10:36:14 AM Dear Fellow Members,
I have arranged a visit to the Control Tower at Greenham Common. It is open to the public and volunteers offer tours for contributions only. I propose the following agenda but it is totally flexible and if you can only come for a short time, no problem, it will just be great to see lots of Lancia and/or their owners. 11.00 - Arrive at the Control Tower car park & time for coffee 11.30 - Tours of the Tower start 13.00 - Lunch break in the café or outside, weather dependent! 14.30 - Drive around on the Basingstoke Road and enter the Greenham Business Park and find a parking space between the English Provender Company and the former Combat Support Building No 273. Then, if you would like a short walk, head along the path going north-west onto the common outside the fence to see the bunkers (these were the cruise missile shelters, recently seen in the latest Star Wars film). 15.30 - Visit Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp Memorial on the way out via Main Street, parking before the exit and A338 roundabout. Please let me know if you are interested in coming so I can let them know approximate numbers to ensure they have enough bacon rolls - optional of course! Chris Hopkins 07818 444333 Title: Re: Visit to Greenham Common - Saturday 20th May Post by: Richard Fridd on 22 February, 2023, 01:29:29 PM Please may I reserve two places Chris.
Many thanks for organising. Richard Fridd |