Title: Fulvia 1300 wins the historic Monte Post by: DavidLaver on 31 March, 2023, 01:59:10 PM It might have been Auto Italia I spotted this in - having a thumb through in "the reading room" as our WHS is sometimes known. Lots of lovely Lancias pictured. 1600HF and 1300HF fulvias, a Beta Coupe did very well. At least one stratos and an Aurelia that could have been Tim's but wasn't. https://sh1.sendinblue.com/3h8d92wxn5xpfe.html?t=1675266224 Title: Re: Fulvia 1300 wins the historic Monte Post by: JollyClubUK on 05 April, 2023, 08:07:51 AM A great achievement when you look at the entry list, a very well prepared little Gulbia with a great support team.