Title: Fulvia Estate Anyone! Post by: Beckerman67 on 01 April, 2023, 11:43:17 AM https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/185838012695?hash=item2b44cf0917:g:WyEAAOSw~TZkJ-n8&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAAwE8fTq%2Fy8Ske%2B0fJYIkBoJsCiPso1gr06QvAbXG6iFQrJzP4j01bh2PxK2DDMVIZD45DFBUca%2FDjHYzyz2RzmVLiUDMD4bMHqinpntgXdJGPy4c%2BiECE0WQwgiLNa%2FC1R8qlMACbXmMkrSqFaZVyjWxdPydSHjcYDdJE01t3bei%2FGr6rr1aQa9Ufac2klFygFvzQ21z2xWzxPUpn61GEfBQ2R6S7CiDkRBe8qZ1hRlMyzcuZu%2F%2FpgI6o9NUvtvrYng%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR-CL38nnYQ
Title: Re: Fulvia Estate Anyone! Post by: davidwheeler on 02 April, 2023, 10:00:02 AM This was built by my friend Bob Cuppage. It is sad to see it in such a poor condition.
Title: Re: Fulvia Estate Anyone! Post by: JollyClubUK on 02 April, 2023, 06:48:20 PM Previously seen the pics before, interesting project with a nice registration.
It’s going to be more than a few weekends mind you and the costs will spiral out of control I am sure. None the less if you want a one off it might be the Fulvia for you. Title: Re: Fulvia Estate Anyone! Post by: Richard Fridd on 02 April, 2023, 08:07:58 PM The older photo http://www.lancia.myzen.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=6694.0