Title: Obsolete Spares Post by: Kevin MacBride on 10 July, 2008, 09:31:05 AM Howdoo, as some of you may know I work in the Parts Dept of a Fiat/Alfa/Lancia dealership. At the moment I am trawling thru' 30 odd years of obsolete parts. The Lancia stuff is mostly Thema/Dedra/Y10/Delta era. I intend putting it all together and offering it as a 'job lot'. No point in asking me do I have a specific part as it's all or nothing. Would anyone be interested ?
The same will happen for the Fiat and Alfa parts as well. Title: Re: Obsolete Spares Post by: fay66 on 10 July, 2008, 09:42:14 AM Howdoo, as some of you may know I work in the Parts Dept of a Fiat/Alfa/Lancia dealership. At the moment I am trawling thru' 30 odd years of obsolete parts. The Lancia stuff is mostly Thema/Dedra/Y10/Delta era. I intend putting it all together and offering it as a 'job lot'. No point in asking me do I have a specific part as it's all or nothing. Would anyone be interested ? The same will happen for the Fiat and Alfa parts as well. Hi Kevin, Thema,Dedra Consortium probably would be, can you let us have a list etc when you know a bit more please |