Lancia Motor Club

General => General Chat => Topic started by: ColinWilson on 05 May, 2023, 11:54:57 AM

Title: Lancia Fulvia break callipers
Post by: ColinWilson on 05 May, 2023, 11:54:57 AM
Hi all,
I'm after advice again! My break callipers need refurbing on my Lancia Fulvia S1. Would your advise be to buy refurbed callipers or is it at all possible to buy then new? Hope you can help. Kind regards Colin

Title: Re: Lancia Fulvia break callipers
Post by: lancialulu on 05 May, 2023, 02:55:19 PM
You can buy new. There are several sources of pattern parts. There are modern alternatives to the Girling Callipers. The key though is to make sure the calliper diameters are correct. Rear brake callipers are smaller.

Past Parts or Big redd should be able to refurbish though.

Title: Re: Lancia Fulvia break callipers
Post by: Sebastien on 05 May, 2023, 04:27:34 PM
Pieces-Fulvia in France has all parts required. Also of course Cavalitto in Turin.

S1 Fulvia need Dunlop callipers, or similar - see:

Check required diameter (front / rear) before purchase.

Title: Re: Lancia Fulvia break callipers
Post by: ColinWilson on 11 May, 2023, 09:11:20 AM
Thanks for the advice!!!!