Title: Fulvia Registry (cars in the US) Post by: GG on 04 June, 2023, 09:00:57 PM Information on Fulvias in America has been informally collected into a Registry, maintained by the late Ed Levin. The Registry now has a new home with Brian Marler (email: <blmarler@gmail.com>), and will be maintained as before.
Fulvia owners and aficionados are welcome to send details of cars to Brian (chassis and engine numbers are most important), and they willbe added to the registry. Other good information to include, if possible, would be color of car, original or repaint of original color or other, interior color and material, (vinyl, cloth, or leather); other details might include special wheels, or other dealer installed items. As some may know, factory build records for these cars remain unfound. In some cases, the registry may be able to help owners confirm car and engine numbers, and provide an approximate build date for their cars based on accumulated information. This registry is a record of cars in the U.S., whether sold here or imported later. If your car has been sold and is no longer in the U.S., it is also requested that the registry be contacted so it can be noted the car is no longer stateside. Please note that this registry is being maintained on a volunteer basis, and operates on good will. |