Title: 1969 Lancia Fulvia 1.3 Coupe Post by: Shelley on 07 June, 2023, 05:05:26 PM Hi,
Could anyone help with how to fit an air cleaner support bracket? We have recently purchased a support bracket as we realised ours was missing. We tried to fit it as per photos we found on the internet and pictures in the manual however it results in the carburetor trumpet holes not lining up with the trumpets. Are there different lengths of brackets for different engines / models? Or are we fitting incorrectly? Please see photos attached. Thank you, Shelley Title: Re: 1969 Lancia Fulvia 1.3 Coupe Post by: Scott on 07 June, 2023, 05:35:28 PM Two different sizes are implied by https://ricambilanciafulvia.it/en/?s=Bracket+air+filter&post_type=product&lang=en (https://ricambilanciafulvia.it/en/?s=Bracket+air+filter&post_type=product&lang=en) ignoring the replica item so it seems possible you have the wrong size. ???
That suggests a difference between S1 and later models but I'll let folk far more knowledgeable than me comment! :) Title: Re: 1969 Lancia Fulvia 1.3 Coupe Post by: Shelley on 07 June, 2023, 05:53:53 PM Oh great! Thank you for looking for me, I think I will be placing a new order!
Title: Re: 1969 Lancia Fulvia 1.3 Coupe Post by: Scott on 07 June, 2023, 06:05:09 PM Just one other observation...
On my S2 the box goes on first then the trumpets. The implication from your pics is that you're trying to put the trumpets on first. Could this result in the bracket then not lining up? Probably a red herring but worth a note. Title: Re: 1969 Lancia Fulvia 1.3 Coupe Post by: Shelley on 07 June, 2023, 07:33:07 PM To be honest, we are not sure of anything!
This was my Dad's Lancia that I inherited in 2019 after he passed away. The car had been in his garage for 40 years and we decided to have it restored, as per his wishes and keep it. The Lancia has just come out of a three year restoration at a 'local-ish' garage and apparently this was the first Fulvia that they had restored. It is possible that things are not correct (we have had other things go wrong). If we fit the airbox in the way you have suggested,, would this mean we need a gasket between the carburetor and the airbox and then another between the airbox and the trumpets? Thank you again! Help is very much appreciated Title: Re: 1969 Lancia Fulvia 1.3 Coupe Post by: Scott on 07 June, 2023, 08:41:31 PM Refer to this post and pic that confirms trumpets go in the box:
https://www.lancia.myzen.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=1850.15 (https://www.lancia.myzen.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=1850.15) Yes there should be a gasket between box and carb inlets. Actually two identical gaskets like: https://shop.omicron.uk.com/products/gasket-carb-to-air-cleaner (https://shop.omicron.uk.com/products/gasket-carb-to-air-cleaner) No gaskets needed for trumpets inside box ... but a gasket should be present where the two halves of the air box join. Title: Re: 1969 Lancia Fulvia 1.3 Coupe Post by: lancialulu on 07 June, 2023, 08:56:12 PM I think you have the correct support strap but as Scott says the air box goes on first then the trumpets inside.
Title: Re: 1969 Lancia Fulvia 1.3 Coupe Post by: Neil on 07 June, 2023, 10:41:17 PM This is the page from the parts book, but does not show the trumpets in side from the other side, but shows the airbox to carb gaskets.
Title: Re: 1969 Lancia Fulvia 1.3 Coupe Post by: Shelley on 08 June, 2023, 09:33:50 PM Thank you all for your help.
We will try and rectify tomorrow! :) |