Title: Fuvlia 1600HF Engine Breather Pipe & Washer Bottle Post by: MartynT on 08 July, 2023, 03:31:56 PM Hi Folks,
I was familiarising myself with the engine bay I've noticed the 90 degree rubber elbow that's attached to my engines air filter house that goes to the engine breather pipe is completely split. Additionally, the screen wash bag in the engine bay has not got a lid on it. Does anyone know where I can get an elbow & I'm assuming a new washer bag as I imagine you can't just by the lid from? Many thanks. Martyn. Title: Re: Fuvlia 1600HF Engine Breather Pipe & Washer Bottle Post by: Simon B on 08 July, 2023, 05:19:27 PM I bought a breather hose from Omicron recently for about £12, had a quick look at the website but didn’t see the washer assy so ring and enquire. Omicron or Pieces Fulvia are excellent suppliers.
Regards Simon Title: Re: Fuvlia 1600HF Engine Breather Pipe & Washer Bottle Post by: MartynT on 08 July, 2023, 06:33:58 PM Cheers Simon.
Title: Re: Fuvlia 1600HF Engine Breather Pipe & Washer Bottle Post by: OldSparky on 22 April, 2024, 09:16:15 PM Just found mine split so off to Omicron again. Also just seen scary story on oil filler canister so thats coming off too. Washer bottle replaced with Chinese rigid bottle from Amazon as thats what was there but leaking.