Title: Rolling Road Tune Post by: MartynT on 08 July, 2023, 03:37:07 PM Second post of the day.. ::)
I'm taking my 1600HF for a rolling road tune at Tanc Barratt this coming Tuesday & was wondering if I need to know anything or anyone can offer any guidance, info etc prior to me going? Thanks again for any advise. Regards, Martyn. Title: Re: Rolling Road Tune Post by: jus on 08 July, 2023, 06:45:19 PM Hi. I didn't know that Tanc had a road.
I took a couple of my cars (Fulvia S1 HF, 037, Land Rover 109, Triumph TR3a) to one close by (I think Tanc has used it): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tq7PIXQkb5s And this one was done in Holland while Vere had the other Fulvia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2uxPvSfTsA I would just say that your car needs to be in good running condition before you take it - fresh oil, inlet and exhaust all good with no leaks - that kind of thing. The tuner will either just be testing it and giving you results - or they may be trying to improve the air/fuel ratio, timing etc. depending on what they've been asked to do of course. Watching it is always an experience - it's easier on the nerves to watch someone else's car being worked on. Good luck. Title: Re: Rolling Road Tune Post by: MartynT on 09 July, 2023, 09:49:49 AM Hi Thanks.
It's apparently the one down the road. I built a 6.4L V8 for my AC Cobra replica & that went on a dyno rig - so yes, completely get what your saying about about the nerves!! Title: Re: Rolling Road Tune Post by: brian on 09 July, 2023, 11:09:26 AM Went to Nobles in Chesterfield with my Flavia Sport that had to take the long way to Trieste in 2011 as Simplon was too steep and the car was transformed and was done whist I waited - had book. Obviously not thrashed as was nicely warm not hot and printout confirmed BHP was as per original.