Title: With respray costs so high is coach painting an option? Post by: DavidLaver on 25 July, 2023, 11:35:29 AM Being interested in prewar cars its "a thing" both for the rough and ready end and really high end work, like the painted coaches the royal mews is full of. For a while there have been a lot of "I roller painted my car for $20" stories, but more and more I'm seeing post war cars that people want to look good getting hand painted. On facebook today a Ro80. https://www.facebook.com/groups/710489466466760 https://www.craftmasterpaints.co.uk/ The person who started the facebook group has a youtube channel with a lot of detail of his project. This is a fair intro, but there's LOTS more. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfY2LwAJIcs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avpKw1UGtDs Not something you're going to pay anyone to do, but people are getting great results, even working outside. Title: Re: With respray costs so high is coach painting an option? Post by: frankxhv773t on 26 July, 2023, 11:12:31 AM I'm not sure I'm very impressed with the results on the youtube link though brush painting was good enough for Rolls Royce back in the day. One thing is that when painting gloss woodwork you "lay on" paint in one direction, "brush in" at a right angle to the first coat, then "lay off" in the original direction to eliminate brush marks. An alternative way diy of spraying is to use an LPHV (low pressure high volume) spraying system. A friend gets good results on his Panhards working in a domestic garage.
Title: Re: With respray costs so high is coach painting an option? Post by: DavidLaver on 27 July, 2023, 09:28:01 AM Is there a write up of the panhard LVHP respray anywhere? I saw someone painting railings with one the other day. Sounded like a vacuum cleaner. I understand they're popular for painting kitchen units etc.
I stopped in at the Leyland museum in preference to the motorway services (its close to the motorway just south of Preston) and enjoyed the painting and signwriting as much as the mechanical side. I was also opening and closing all the door I was permitted to enjoying the double click latches. An Aurelia B20 S3 has "train slam door" type latches. Yes...I do enjoy watching paint dry as well... The guy painting his Mini its very much a first timer's experience, and as such good to watch as a first timer. This guy has a bit more experience, and lots more on his channel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWFlddeWP_E |