Lancia Motor Club

General => General Chat => Topic started by: fensaddler on 17 July, 2008, 03:27:51 PM

Title: Curborough eco-town
Post by: fensaddler on 17 July, 2008, 03:27:51 PM
Just noticed that the application for the Curborough eco-town has been withdrawn, which means the Curborough sprint course is safe from development, for now at least.

Title: Re: Curborough eco-town
Post by: ncundy on 17 July, 2008, 04:37:48 PM
Just a stay of execution, as the original plans are now due to be resubmitted at some time in the future unfortunately.

Seems like the farmer is determined to get his money :-[

Title: Re: Curborough eco-town
Post by: Keith Large on 21 July, 2008, 03:40:01 PM
The 'developers' will be back with new amendments, bet your life on it.
Why doesn't this Government try slum clearances in the industrial towns and cities, then build an eco-town on the resultant brown field sites. We will need all the green fields we can muster in the future the way food and fuel prices are going, it would make more sense to give everyone an allotment to cultivate !

Title: Re: Curborough eco-town
Post by: fay66 on 21 July, 2008, 03:47:02 PM
With Hazel Blears about to try & do away with green belt, I think that's a forlorn hope >:(

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