Title: Coming to a French city near you Post by: Parisien on 09 August, 2023, 02:55:59 PM https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-66449514
Noting on this report the following...... "Not all vehicles are eligible under the scheme, including cars registered before January 1997 and motorbikes and scooters registered before June 2000. These cannot be driven at all where the restrictions apply." https://vignette-eco-critair.com/en/cart-eng/ I went on their site and entered a fictitious UK reg with a year, 1955, lo and behold a fee of €49.90 was requested, there appears be some sort of exemption cutoff year for classics, vintage or veteran cars? Anyone else shed any light on the application of this scheme? Further rummaging on their very slow site lead to this.... https://vignette-eco-critair.com/product/vignette-critair-pour-les-vehicules-de-collection/ They reckon there are 213000 collectors vehicles in France, but there doesn't appear to be final agreement on how it will work for this group P Title: Re: Coming to a French city near you Post by: JollyClubUK on 09 August, 2023, 03:16:48 PM Finally got onto the site in English, €49:90 for my 1971 Fulvia Coupe!
I was over in Northern France in March never entered a clean air zone and no issues or desires to go into the Cities that require this. Title: Re: Coming to a French city near you Post by: lancialulu on 09 August, 2023, 03:36:28 PM Finally got onto the site in English, €49:90 for my 1971 Fulvia Coupe! Same for my Delta which is a vehcule de collection as seen by the French authories.....I was over in Northern France in March never entered a clean air zone and no issues or desires to go into the Cities that require this. Title: Re: Coming to a French city near you Post by: rikardo on 09 August, 2023, 07:58:53 PM I encountered this (but avoided due to some route planning beforehand) when travelling to the Le Mans 24 hour race from Dieppe ferry-port, because most if not all routes from the oft-used French port entries from the UK for those heading to Le Mans (eg. Calais, Dunkirk and Dieppe), will take you though Rouen and this City is included in the Crit-air scheme. The easiest route (certainly for Le Mans) is to cross the Seine at Pont bu Brotonne, the first opportunity to do so West of Rouen. There appears to be no route through Rouen without the need of a Crit-air "pass" and we didnt want to take the risk of getting caught without it because it was previously only available as a hard copy via postal services and that was too late (so were we in realising we needed one!). Im pleased to see that it is now available as a "digital copy within 72 hours" but clearly you still need to plan ahead.
Title: Re: Coming to a French city near you Post by: JollyClubUK on 09 August, 2023, 08:11:06 PM 100% Richard planning is a must but all this clean air stuff is a faff, my Fulvias green credentials are outstanding being 52 years old and still used every week.
Title: Re: Coming to a French city near you Post by: JollyClubUK on 09 August, 2023, 08:12:27 PM Finally got onto the site in English, €49:90 for my 1971 Fulvia Coupe! Same for my Delta which is a vehcule de collection as seen by the French authories.....I was over in Northern France in March never entered a clean air zone and no issues or desires to go into the Cities that require this. Title: Re: Coming to a French city near you Post by: fay66 on 10 August, 2023, 10:29:35 AM From what I read yesterday I gained the impression that classics weren't eligible for entry at all?
Brian 8227 8) Title: Re: Coming to a French city near you Post by: JollyClubUK on 10 August, 2023, 05:22:23 PM From what I read yesterday I gained the impression that classics weren't eligible for entry at all? That’s how I read it too Brian, I love France and visit frequently. As Tim stated good planning is required plenty of great places to visit without getting embroiled in all this red tape.Brian 8227 8) |