Title: Aurelias racing at Goodwood this year? Post by: impaw on 08 September, 2023, 07:30:53 AM Hello,
Does anybody know if there's any Aurelias racing at Goodwood this year? Title: Re: Aurelias racing at Goodwood this year? Post by: chriswgawne on 08 September, 2023, 08:12:04 AM Not to my knowledge Torstein. Certainly not the UK B20 racers. I will be there in my B12 though.....but in the car park as I am now retired.
Chris Title: Re: Aurelias racing at Goodwood this year? Post by: impaw on 08 September, 2023, 08:45:55 AM Enjoy the festival Chris!
IŽll be watching via youtube. Perhaps IŽll be there in 4-5 years time when the Aurelia is (hopefully) finished |