Title: LMC National Rally/AGM report in this months Auto Italia Magazine Post by: TonyLanciaBeta on 07 October, 2023, 07:29:03 PM Great coverage from this years National Rally, in this months Auto Italia Magazine.
3 full pages which is great PR for the club ;D My photos, many thanks to Mark Hall for words. Here are poor quality scans: (https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53240388852_9ca445be3f_b.jpg) (https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53241559943_0066e83a1f_b.jpg) (https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53241559938_bb35fc6b00_b.jpg) Out this week, available at most larger new agents or online here: https://auto-italia.co.uk (https://auto-italia.co.uk) Title: Re: LMC National Rally/AGM report in this months Auto Italia Magazine Post by: JollyClubUK on 08 October, 2023, 07:24:38 AM Yes a good report my 1st Lancia National Day since the one at Bath University back in 1983 when I took my 72 1.6 HF Fulvia crazy to think that HF was only 11 years old back then KYO 5K.
Title: Re: LMC National Rally/AGM report in this months Auto Italia Magazine Post by: lancialulu on 08 October, 2023, 02:52:29 PM Great work Tony and Mark