Title: Fulvia S1 hose dimensions Post by: Jai Sharma on 15 October, 2023, 09:23:10 PM I'm trying to order some silicone hoses for my Fulvia 1.6 S1. The supplier has raised the following question - I am away from my car and would appreciate any thoughts. I think these are the hoses that go to the drain plug but I'm not sure.
Dear Jai, Thank you for your enquiry, here is your quotation for the coolant hoses for your Lancia Fulvia - radiator hose set. I have supplied straight lengths of hose in the same classic black finish, but two different customers asked for different diameters - so I am not sure why. One hose is typicall 1m x 13mm ID, the other appears to be either 16mm or 19mm ID - possibly and early and late version ?Thanks. |