Title: Weathershield Folding Vinyl Sunroof - Assistance Required! Post by: MartynT on 12 November, 2023, 10:15:18 AM Hi All,
My S2 Fulvia 1600HF Coupe has the above fitted however, it is in a pretty bad condition. I believe the options I have are to either get rid of it altogether but this would mean sourcing a new complete roof for the car as I understand it would be very difficult to in-fill the hole with a panel? I have done a rudimentary search for a new roof & didn't at the time have much success. The alternative is to either get the Weathershield fully refurbished, replaced with a second hand one or try & source a new one. I can get NOS from the US but firstly the cost is extortionate after import duty & secondly, they can only supply a tan brown vinyl panel. Incidentally, the sunroof has been removed from the car as the interion is undergoing refurb. Thanks for any assistance. Martyn. Title: Re: Weathershield Folding Vinyl Sunroof - Assistance Required! Post by: frankxhv773t on 12 November, 2023, 12:46:29 PM Have you looked at https://www.tudorwebastosunroofs.com/ as an alternative?