Title: The old eper link doesn't work, try this. Post by: fay66 on 25 July, 2008, 02:50:20 AM The old eper link from the Fiat Forum no longer works, I've been trawling around and found one that does.
I have my own copy of eper but I loaded a later version that has completely screwed my old version and says I need the latest disc, but I can't completely remove it, so I'm stuck >:( ??? :o Brian 8227 8) Title: Re: The old eper link doesn't work, try this. Post by: ncundy on 25 July, 2008, 08:34:42 AM Do you sleep at all ;D
Title: Re: The old eper link doesn't work, try this. Post by: Kevin MacBride on 25 July, 2008, 02:58:23 PM As far as I'm aware the lastest versions of ePer supplied to dealerships (me) is encrypted. All our stuff is online anyway, we have our logons. We only use the discs as we have a few dealerships which are linked, so we use our own server. To be honest, I cannot see the point in wanting the lastest version. If part numbers are needed for Fiats or Alfas, fair enough, but the Lancia models have changed very little, apart from trim differences. The new Delta is not as yet listed, which is odd, as new models usually appear well in advance of production of the car itself.
The old Compact system is far better for home use as it will work in all applications. The Eper is a bit too trendy for its own good. There is also a new addition to it, which is a kind of Italian motor factors, which will locate parts for every car from A to Z. Not yet up and running, but in the pipeline. Title: Re: The old eper link doesn't work, try this. Post by: fay66 on 25 July, 2008, 07:46:18 PM As far as I'm aware the lastest versions of ePer supplied to dealerships (me) is encrypted. All our stuff is online anyway, we have our logons. We only use the discs as we have a few dealerships which are linked, so we use our own server. To be honest, I cannot see the point in wanting the lastest version. If part numbers are needed for Fiats or Alfas, fair enough, but the Lancia models have changed very little, apart from trim differences. The new Delta is not as yet listed, which is odd, as new models usually appear well in advance of production of the car itself. The old Compact system is far better for home use as it will work in all applications. The Eper is a bit too trendy for its own good. There is also a new addition to it, which is a kind of Italian motor factors, which will locate parts for every car from A to Z. Not yet up and running, but in the pipeline. Hi Kevin, I didn't want the latest version just one a bit newer, but having a 2007 Grande Punto, later versions would be helpful if only from an interest point of view. Now I haven't got one at all at home :'( it comes in very useful when advising Dedra owners. Brian 8227 8) Title: Re: The old eper link doesn't work, try this. Post by: fay66 on 25 July, 2008, 07:56:44 PM Do you sleep at all ;D Hi William, Being retired I often stay up late but nod off in the evenings, so when it's time for bed I'm wide awake, it's a vicious circle ::) That added to the fact that I've no other distractions, with my wife, 3 dogs & the cat fast asleep, I can do what I want to do in peace ;D Brian 8227 8) Title: Re: The old eper link doesn't work, try this. Post by: Scarpia on 25 July, 2008, 08:56:22 PM Brian,
I feel an identity crisis coming on...or were you nodding off ?.. ;) Title: Re: The old eper link doesn't work, try this. Post by: ncundy on 25 July, 2008, 11:51:06 PM Bob,
I understand completely Regards Dave ;D Title: Re: The old eper link doesn't work, try this. Post by: fay66 on 26 July, 2008, 07:10:59 PM Brian, I feel an identity crisis coming on...or were you nodding off ?.. ;) Sorry William, By time I got around to posting that I was a bit like the walking Dead ::) Brian 8227 8) |