Title: LMC Essex - January 2024 Post by: Justin McArdle on 15 January, 2024, 10:04:55 AM Monthly Meeting:
Gus did mention maybe moving the meeting location around the county to allow easier access for as many members as possible. Given the bad weather we've been having recently he thinks the more rural location of The Compasses might cause a few problems as it has in the past so we'll meet at the following venue in January: Date: 17th January 2024 Time: from: 7.00pm The Nags Head 44 Brook Street, Brentwood Essex CM14 5ND t: 01277 260005 w: www.thenagsheadbrentwood.co.uk/ Title: Re: LMC Essex - January 2024 Post by: lancialulu on 15 January, 2024, 10:35:24 AM All members welcome. Not just Essex!!
Given the location just off junction 28 M25 this could be convenient for folk in London. Please let Gus know if you are thinking of going. - g_mckie@hotmail.com Tim |