Title: Appia grille first compared to second series Post by: Dikappa on 21 April, 2024, 04:04:23 PM Guys,
Is there a way to discern a first series grille from a second series grille? I think a 1st series grille is longer is that correct? Hope someone can help me, as someone 'loaned' my grille (without asking) and now, years later gives me one back, and I'm pretty sure it is now a second series grille instead of the first series thet it should be. Also: was the 'lancia' logo always plastic? My Appia is a very early 1953 berlina with the all aluminium bumpers... Thanks for any info! Koen Title: Re: Appia grille first compared to second series Post by: mikeC on 22 April, 2024, 07:15:25 AM The badge on my 1953 Series One was brass with enamel infill.
Title: Re: Appia grille first compared to second series Post by: lancianut666 on 22 April, 2024, 09:32:18 AM Hi Koen
I will get some measurements and pictures today of the S1 and S2 grills. Clarkey Title: Re: Appia grille first compared to second series Post by: lancianut666 on 22 April, 2024, 10:26:22 PM Hi all
The S1 grill is taller and thinner but they are very similar. The S1 is about 57cm and the S2 55cm tall. Not sure about the badges as mine was missing but all the S2 ones we have are plastic and probably the later S1s. The picture shows an enamel badge That will fit all the later cars that do not have 2 holes like mine but fits in from behind. Clarkey Title: Re: Appia grille first compared to second series Post by: Dikappa on 25 April, 2024, 01:40:09 PM thanks for the replies and the trouble of measuring up, the results are exactly what I suspected, the 2nd series grill fouls the wings in the top and is too short....and indeed, i thought to remember the badge was enamel, not plastic.
unbelievable story this...even friends can't be trusted anymore...really really really disappointed.... |