Title: Lancia Team Marlboro Texaco Jacket (NFS) Post by: oldracer on 02 December, 2024, 06:23:57 PM Can anyone shed any light on this jacket, recently acquired? In the pocket was the accompanying sticker, which I imagine was produced in 1977, although the jacket could be earlier?
Title: Re: Lancia Team Marlboro Texaco Jacket (NFS) Post by: poppy67 on 03 December, 2024, 09:17:13 AM Well..............CMC............would definately be Craven Motor Club, Skipton, North Yorkshire.
Regards, P Title: Re: Lancia Team Marlboro Texaco Jacket (NFS) Post by: lancialulu on 03 December, 2024, 10:02:10 AM seems like a period Malboro Texaco that some one has applicqué'd varios other patches