Title: Request from the son of the late Marcello Minerbi Post by: Parisien on 08 December, 2024, 04:40:58 PM I received an email from Nicolo Minerbi...
"I'm Nicolò Minerbi, the son of Marcello and Rossella, whom you probably met at the LMC meetings over the years. As a matter of fact, I joined my father at his first UK meeting back in the early 2000s (and I probably met some of you already). As you know my parents were sincerely and deeply attached to the Club, and they loved their yearly “British expedition” a lot. I’m working on a book for the 70th anniversary of the B12 in our family (the car arrived new in 1956), and I would love to include memories, anecdotes, and photos from those of you who met my parents and Aurelia during the summer gatherings. This is my email address: nicolominerbi@gmail.com. Feel free to contact me, and thank you in advance for your kind support! Arrivederci e grazie! Nicolò Minerbi" P Title: Re: Request from the son of the late Marcello Minerbi Post by: Richard Fridd on 08 December, 2024, 06:19:24 PM Looking forward to this book.
Richard |