Lancia Motor Club

General => General Chat => Topic started by: Harvey on 18 August, 2008, 09:53:08 AM

Title: Nature versus nurture
Post by: Harvey on 18 August, 2008, 09:53:08 AM
I have a hypothesis that enjoyment of cars and car events is genetic, and cannot be instilled through long term exposure.
My daughters claimed (after the event was over) that they enjoyed the Cotswold Economy Run. The evidence during the event was somewhat different, and if I'd had duct tape in the car, I would have put it to use well before lunchtime.

The question is, do I risk my sanity by trying to prove my hypothesis, or should I leave my daughters in a pink and fluffy petrol-free state of bliss?

Title: Re: Nature versus nurture
Post by: St Volumex on 18 August, 2008, 11:21:13 AM

It may well be genetic, as no amount of 'exposure' to car events could ever convince my first wife that they were enjoyable, but maybe it was all that time (and money) I spent on my cars ...  :P

However, I'm happy to report that wife No. 2 enjoys the cars and events, especially as she now has her own Fulvia named "Tigger".  Our daughter seems to have caught onto the idea too - although only 13 years old, I've given her an Appia (project) which she's christened "La Giaconda".  So far, so good, excepting that I have to look after them. ::)

Risking your sanity is inevitable with Lancias, but I'd rather have a daughter that's mad about them than boys.