Title: Harvey, What's Going On.? Post by: fay66 on 16 October, 2008, 07:33:19 PM Harvey just tried to post photos of Andy Saunders Stratos & Photos of the real thing from Turin, total of about 800Kbs, Maximum posting is supposed to be 8 files for a total of 4092 Kbs.
Eror message came up. "Your file is too large. The maximum attachment size allowed is 512 KB." Any idea what's going on? Brian 8227 ::) Title: Re: Harvey, What's Going On.? Post by: karrozzi on 17 October, 2008, 12:43:16 AM Hi Brian, just tried folowing your instructions on how to post a picture of my Dedra...the same thing happened to me!! ???
Title: Re: Harvey, What's Going On.? Post by: St Volumex on 17 October, 2008, 06:24:24 AM Harvey,
When I uploaded my photos on the Stratos thread yesterday, I could only do one at a time? Title: Re: Harvey, What's Going On.? Post by: Harvey on 17 October, 2008, 08:23:18 AM Oops. Sorry. I'd tinkered with the settings after the AGM whilst trying to upload the presentations, and last week I thought I'd reset them. Unfortunately, my eyesight must be failing somewhat as I managed to set the maximum per post to 512KB, and the maximum per attachment to be 4096KB. I've now corrected that. :-[
Title: Re: Harvey, What's Going On.? Post by: fay66 on 17 October, 2008, 10:58:15 AM Thanks Harvey,
Crikey, that would have been one large picture! Brian 8227 8) Title: Re: Harvey, What's Going On.? Post by: fay66 on 21 October, 2008, 12:17:18 AM Oops. Sorry. I'd tinkered with the settings after the AGM whilst trying to upload the presentations, and last week I thought I'd reset them. Unfortunately, my eyesight must be failing somewhat as I managed to set the maximum per post to 512KB, and the maximum per attachment to be 4096KB. I've now corrected that. :-[ Harvey, The upload has reverted to 512 KBS again ??? can you give it a kicking please. Brian 8227 8) Title: Re: Harvey, What's Going On.? Post by: Harvey on 21 October, 2008, 12:08:12 PM It's showing as the maximum size of an attachment as 512KB, and a maximum of 8 attachments per post (with a limit of 4096KB per post overall). Which limit seems to be the problem?
Title: Re: Harvey, What's Going On.? Post by: fay66 on 21 October, 2008, 01:34:24 PM Sorry if I'm wrong harvey, but it currently shows 512kb with no mention of the 4096kb which it always did previously, I'll have to try something larger than 512 KBs.
Just tried to load a file 1.12 MB here is the message I received. An Error Has Occurred! Your file is too large. The maximum attachment size allowed is 512 KB. David Wheeler seems to be having problems that he can only load one attachment at a time even they are only about 114Kbs each. Brian 8227 8) Title: Re: Harvey, What's Going On.? Post by: Harvey on 21 October, 2008, 02:15:52 PM If the individual file was over 512KB, then the forum would reject it. I don't know the details of our set-up, but I think we pay for bandwidth, not storage. Lots of views on very large files = ££££!
It was temporarily set to 4096KB for a single file back when I was trying to upload the presentations. The 512KB is an arbitrary limit, but without seeing the bill, I didn't want to be profligate with Club money. ;D Title: Re: Harvey, What's Going On.? Post by: fay66 on 21 October, 2008, 11:37:48 PM Harvey,
Ok I give in, it will now take 8 items up to a maximum of 512kb each by look of it, at one time the maximum it would take in total was 512kbs, as I usually reduce my photos down to around 100kbs each, there's no way I would ever want the 4096kb figure that was shown, & you would never be able to view anything that size anyway. If we're looking to keep the cost down, why not restrict it to a maximum of 150kbs per item, anything over this for an individual photo is too large to be seen in a single window. brian 8227 8) |