Title: Vale of Evesham Christmas Lunch Post by: Harvey on 20 October, 2008, 01:34:37 PM Vale of Evesham Xmas lunch as follows: 14.30pm on 14th December at the Portway Italian Restaurant just off the M42 on the north bound side of the A435 Alcester Road. Please contact Lin on 01386 871040.
Title: Re: Vale of Evesham Christmas Lunch Post by: peterbaker on 23 November, 2008, 10:24:11 AM We have twenty two so far for lunch with a max of twenty eight. Please, if you want to join us contact Lin on 01386 87 1040. Many thanks and look forward to seeing all of you on the day. PB
Title: Re: Vale of Evesham Christmas Lunch Post by: peterbaker on 10 December, 2008, 07:09:22 PM Now have twenty eight for lunch!
Title: Re: Vale of Evesham Christmas Lunch Post by: peterbaker on 15 December, 2008, 05:05:36 PM Not as many as Hampshire area ( a mere twenty eight) but what we lacked in numbers, we made up for with quality. Two Lancia Club presidents and at least one ex-Chairman and Vice-President LMC. Ha. Happy Christmas to all, especially to those families who could not make it this year.