Title: Hooray for having a spare wheel Post by: Harvey on 27 October, 2008, 02:30:52 PM Thankfully the Platino specification includes a spare wheel, albeit a space-saver. An aerosol spray of sealant would have proven no use when my tyre decided to disintegrate on the M4 last week. The tread was still good despite it being on the car when I bought it two years ago, so no idea what caused the alarming incident. I've replaced both rear tyres with Pirelli, and probably won't ever buy Continental!
Having never suffered anything worse than a puncture, I confess the presence or absence of a spare wheel was not on my list of considerations. It's certainly on the list now. Title: Re: Hooray for having a spare wheel Post by: sparehead3 on 27 October, 2008, 04:44:07 PM I've got continentals on the integrale .... brand new this year, hopefully to last a lifetime ....
Title: Re: Hooray for having a spare wheel Post by: Harvey on 28 October, 2008, 11:19:45 AM Well, they'd done 60k and still had loads of tread left, so can't fault the wear characteristics!