Title: Italian car expertise in north London – Proietti Post by: ColinMarr on 29 October, 2008, 10:21:35 AM I have just had to get some work done on my Punto, which reminds me that some time ago I meant to post an unsolicited recommendation for Proietti, which is based off the Caledonian Road.
They specialise in Fiats (old and new) and also have lots of experience with Flavia, Fulvia and later Lancias too, including race preparation. Here’s a link to their website: http://www.proietti.co.uk/ Colin Title: Re: Italian car expertise in north London – Proietti Post by: fay66 on 30 October, 2008, 12:56:46 AM Hi Colin,
great site, do you remember what their labour rates are? Wish the parts they now carry had been available when I was running 500's back in the 1980's. I spent about an hour follow the links to the French 500 club and links from there, lots of great photos including one with a new Delta in the background at a Dealers. Brian 8227 8) |