Lancia Motor Club

General => Local Events => Topic started by: deltanick1300 on 04 January, 2009, 09:22:55 PM

Title: Kent area - resignation of co-ordinator
Post by: deltanick1300 on 04 January, 2009, 09:22:55 PM
Dear all,

Please find below a copy of an email I sent yesterday to Simon Davis on the committee, and Jack Romano (Viva Lancia editor), marking the end of my tenure as Kent co-ordinator.

My thanks to everyone who's been associated with the Kent section these last five years. Some special thanks below (also sent separately to those concerned).

If anyone wants to take up the reins for Kent then please contact either Simon or myself.

Best wishes,

Nick Haigh


To: Simon Davis, Jack Romano (feel free to publish in VL as you wish).

Dear Simon and Jack,

After five years of being Kent area co-ordinator, I have decided that the start of 2009 is the time for me to step down. Family and (especially) work commitments have meant that I do not have the energy or time I once had to do the job justice. Furthermore, it has now been nearly a year since I sold my last (of ten!) Lancias and, whilst I richly enjoyed "ordinary" Deltas in particular, good ones are now very thin on the ground and, for aforementioned reasons plus ever-reducing hobby budgets, I'm not really able to take on or keep more needy cases any more!

Kent meeting attendance has been dwindling during 2008 - perhaps related to my own circumstances - though our recent decision to co-meet with AROC Kent and East Sussex has, I think, been a good move, not least because a couple of our remaining hard-core also own examples of Milan's finest. Since this move, the downward Lancia-related attendance trend has also been reversed with a couple of welcome new faces. Nevertheless, I think it is still right for me to clear the way for a potential new area co-ordinator to put themselves forwards, one better placed to lead the remaining Kent section into 2009 and beyond. Undoubtedly the recent decision of Lancia to postpone its return to the UK is a setback, but maybe one day...

I suggest that the Viva Lancia monthly meetings entry for Kent remains as the Moat pub at Wrotham, on the last Thursday of the month, even if the area co-ordinator role is (temporarily I hope) shown as vacant. I will still try to make it, though probably not every month, and will very happily be available to discuss things with any prospective successor, and handover some resources (names and addresses, a banner I inherited from a forebear etc.), as appropriate.

I'd like to thank you both for supporting area co-ordinators at the "national" level. In particular, Simon's recent efforts to reach out from the centre to area colleagues was welcomed and I'm only sorry that I wasn't able to attend the AGM to take part in discussions.

I'd also like to thank our remaining Kent core members - especially John Day and Phil Milton who have both been stalwarts through recent lean times. As they both own Alfas, I hope the pseudo-merger with AROC at least means that they get someone other than me (or no-one) to talk to of an evening now!

If anyone wants to talk to me about the Kent section then they can contact me on 01634 295823 any evening or weekend.

Best wishes,

Nick Haigh